Marysville Dog Bite Lawyer

Over 62% of Washington households have dogs. Fortunately, most dogs are kind and loving companions to their human friends, but it’s critical to remember that they are also animals. We cannot always anticipate or understand a strange dog’s actions or motives. About 1,000 people a day in the U.S. are treated for dog bite injuries with 12,480 annual hospitalizations.

If you or a close family member suffered the pain, fear, and trauma of dog bite injuries in Marysville or the surrounding area, you deserve compensation. You also do not have to suffer the distress of a legal process alone. Call the Marysville injury attorneys at Wells Trumbull today for the representation your case deserves.

Why Choose Wells Trumbull for Your Dog Bite Attorney In Marysville?

The attorneys at Wells Trumbull understand the physical and emotional devastation experienced by those who suffer dog bites. We are ready to benefit your compensation claim with the following qualifications:

  • An experienced legal team with careers dedicated to advocating for injury victims
  • Lead attorneys, Ben Wells and Joshua Trumbull have a deeply held belief that getting to know each client personally and witnessing the impacts of their injuries helps them make the most compelling claim for the maximum compensation
  • A results-oriented approach combined with compassionate representation, keen negotiation skills, and in-depth knowledge of the state’s strict liability laws for pet owners

We never charge upfront fees to injury victims. Instead, we offer free consultations and contingency-based payment so you pay nothing until we recover your compensation.

What Are Washington’s Laws for Dog Bite Liability?

A handful of states have “one-bite” laws that do not hold pet owners legally accountable the first time a dog bites under the premise that the owner couldn’t know their dog was aggressive until after they’ve bitten at least once. Washington does NOT have a one-bite rule. Instead, pet owners take legal responsibility for their dog’s actions from the moment they take ownership. Washington § 16.08.040. states the following:

“The owner of any dog which shall bite any person while such person is in or on a public place or lawfully in or on a private place including the property of the owner of such dog, shall be liable for such damages as may be suffered by the person bitten, regardless of the former viciousness of such dog or the owner’s knowledge of such viciousness.”

Under Washington’s pure comparative negligence injury laws, pet owners are responsible for a bite victim’s damages. Compensation in dog bite claims typically comes from the owner’s property liability insurance.

Injuries In Dog Bite Cases In Marysville

Dogs have sharp jagged teeth that function like serrated knife edges. Doctors measure the severity of dog bite injuries by the depth of puncture wounds. Injuries range from level-1 bites that graze the skin to higher-level bites like level-5 injuries with deep punctures, torn flesh, and multiple bites. Level-6 bites include traumatic amputations, consumed flesh, or death. Common dog bite injuries in Marysville claims include the following:

  • Puncture wounds, lacerations, and bruises
  • Fractured bones
  • Soft-tissue injuries
  • De-gloving injuries (skin torn or peeled back from the hands or feet)
  • Traumatic amputation of fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, and other body parts
  • Facial wounds and disfigurement
  • Wrongful death

Many victims of dog attacks also suffer from lingering emotional trauma with impacts like PTSD, anxiety, sleep disorders, and depression.

Contact Wells Trumbull Today So We Can Take Action on Your Marysville Dog Bite Claim

Dog bite injuries are expensive as well as painful, often requiring ongoing medical treatment to minimize scarring, reconstruct damaged areas, and treat infection. Instead of being left with the financial consequences of the dog attack as well as the physical ones, contact Wells Trumbull so we can quickly take action to recover the compensation you deserve.