Everett Chain Reaction Car Accidents

All car accidents are frightening and traumatic, but no accident scene is as chaotic and devastating as a chain-reaction car accident. Chain reaction accidents involve consecutive collisions, typically on fast-moving four-lane highways. Because there are multiple vehicles involved, there are often many injury victims with injuries ranging from mild to severe or catastrophic, depending on the speed at which the collisions occurred.

Not only is the accident scene of a chain reaction accident in Everett or elsewhere in Washington chaotic, but so is determining liability with the potential for multiple drivers sharing fault. This is why it is crucial to speak with an experienced car accident lawyer in Everett for legal guidance and support.

What Is a Chain Reaction Car Accident?

During a chain reaction car accident, one driver causes an initial collision—often a rear-end collision with a vehicle directly in front—but then additional drivers moving in the same direction on a high-speed roadway do not have time to stop or room to avoid the collision. Chain reaction accidents involve anywhere from three vehicles to dozens, depending on how crowded the roadway was at the time of the initial crash. The largest recorded chain reaction car accident involved 99 vehicles and occurred in Tennessee in 1990 due to poor visibility from fog.

Determining Liability In a Chain Reaction Car Accident Claim in Everett

Washington is a fault-based insurance state, requiring an investigation and evidence of driver liability after an accident for injury victims to recover their damages. Under this system, multiple parties could share liability if they each contributed to the accident. For example, the first driver who hit the car in front of them in a rear-end collision may appear to be 100% at fault, but what if another driver was speeding and their excessive speed prevented them from stopping in time to avoid adding to the accident? Or what if a fourth driver didn’t see the crash ahead because they were distracted by a text message and caused a fourth collision?

It takes a thorough investigation into a chain reaction car accident to determine each driver’s percentage of fault before they can recover compensation for their damages.

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What Damages Can I Recover in a Chain Reaction Accident Claim in Washington?

Chain reaction accidents commonly result in serious injuries due to multiple impacts. Those in the first and second collisions may suffer several more impacts as other cars pile up in subsequent collisions. Common damages in chain-reaction car accident claims include:

  • Property damage
  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Past and future income loss
  • Compensation for pain and suffering
  • Compensation for other non-economic damages like diminished quality of life, PTSD, disfigurement, loss of limb, loss of the senses, or other damages that apply in individual cases
  • Wrongful death

Due to the complex nature of liability in chain reaction accidents, an attorney for a car accident victim must investigate all aspects of the crashes to determine each driver’s portion of liability. Washington’s pure comparative negligence insurance laws allow even those who contributed to the cause of an accident to recover compensation. The amount they recover is minus their percentage of fault. For example, if a claim adds up to $100,000 in damages, but a driver is 30% at fault because they were speeding, they could still recover $70,000.

How Can a Car Accident Attorney Help My Case?

After a chain reaction accident, determining liability and pursuing a successful claim for damages is a complex, multi-stage process. Having an injury lawyer in Everett on your side is critical to obtaining the maximum compensation. Contact Wells Trumbull today for the experienced, compassionate representation that gets results.