What Are Your Legal Rights When Involved In A Head-On Collision?

Often referred to as a “front impact accident” or a “frontal crash,” head-on collisions are one of the most traumatic car accidents that can happen, with most incidents resulting in serious injury and extensive damage. The impact force increases twofold when two cars traveling in opposite directions collide as their relative speeds double. In the case of a head-on collision between two vehicles traveling 50 miles per hour, the total impact is 100 miles per hour.

Why Do Head-On Accidents Occur?

Regardless of road or weather conditions, most head-on collisions are primarily caused by a driver’s negligence. Common causes for head-on accidents include individuals being in a rush and making unsafe decisions, senior drivers, drunk drivers, and distractions like texting.

These vehicle accidents frequently occur on narrow, single-lane rural roads or in areas with poor lighting. In any case, they’re extremely dangerous.

Why Are Head-On Collisions So Dangerous?

Even at relatively low speeds, head-on collisions can do massive damage to vehicles and the passengers inside. Statistics indicate that head-on collisions make up approximately 10% of fatal car accidents in the U.S., translating to 123,000 annually.

For individuals that do survive a head-on crash, these types of collisions can result in various types of injuries as well as long-term disabilities.

The most common injuries that occur during a head-on collision include:

  • Spinal cord damageSpinal injuries can result in chronic pain, nerve damage, long-term disability and worse. Basically, the impact incurred from a front end collision can injure the spine and cause it to become misaligned.
  • Chest injury – Chest injuries such as bruising, broken ribs, or even punctured lungs also occur, either due to the impact of the steering wheel, airbag, or seat belt.
  • Whiplash – Whiplash is often the result in an automobile accident due to the abrupt neck movement. Symptoms from whiplash include neck pain, numbness or tingling sensation in the neck or arms, dizziness, or lethargy.

Additionally, injuries to the brain or lower body may occur during a head-on collision.  While no type of injury is pleasant, sustaining wounds that affect one’s future quality of life or ability to work and have financial stability can be overwhelming.

Who is at Fault in a Head-On Collision?

A head-on collision is determined by an insurance investigator, jury, or judge, whereas they will evaluate all the evidence and decide who was at fault. When it comes to head-on collisions, someone who isn’t exercising proper safety precautions is considered negligent.

In order to determine what happened, the insurance investigator will read the police report, examine the cars, and even go to the accident site. If they think you’re negligent, they won’t compensate you and your claim will be rejected.

Why It’s Important to Consult an Attorney

Ultimately, having a Wells Trumbull attorney on your side will give you a better chance of proving to the insurance company or court that the accident wasn’t your fault. A Wells Trumbull lawyer will gather all relevant evidence and present it on your behalf.

Additionally, a Wells Trumbull lawyer will effectively represent you whether negotiating a fair settlement in court or handling your insurance claim case. Contact Wells Trumbull, your head-on car accident lawyers.