Important Evidence in Car Accident Cases in Washington

Important Evidence in Car Accident Cases in Washington

Experiencing a car accident is traumatic, especially when you or a loved one suffers serious injuries. Sadly, the distress often continues long after the accident as an injury victim undergoes painful medical treatment, receives large medical bills, and often cannot return to work in their former capacity or at all. In the midst of the physical and emotional trauma of a car accident, injury victims also have to navigate the legal aspects of the accident, including proving the at-fault party’s liability.

Proving liability in comparison-negligence insurance states like Washington requires delving into the cause of the accident, determining fault, and documenting strong evidence of the at-fault party’s negligence.

What to Do at the Accident Scene to Preserve Evidence

In the frightening aftermath of a car accident, it can be difficult to keep a cool head and think about the importance of preserving evidence, especially after suffering injuries. Some accident victims may be unconscious or immobilized and unable to do anything except wait for help. But if an injury victim can use their phone safely—even from their position or by handing the phone to an uninjured person to use for them—it becomes a critical tool for documenting evidence before law enforcement moves the vehicles out of their resting positions to restore traffic flow.

After calling 911 to request help, use a cell phone to preserve evidence including the following:

  • Take photos of the damaged vehicles
  • Take photos of the accident scene, capturing anything relevant to the accident like an intersection, traffic signs, or signal lights
  • Photograph any visible injuries
  • Add the other driver’s contact information
  • Add the contact information of any eyewitnesses to the accident
  • If time allows, briefly record what you remember of the accident—the trauma may later fade the memory

Eyewitness contact information is important evidence to preserve in Washington car accident cases, particularly in areas without traffic cameras or surveillance video. Sometimes critical eyewitnesses to accidents exit the scene without leaving contact information with authorities.

Key Evidence After the Accident

In addition to the police report from the accident scene, a medical report becomes key evidence in a car accident claim. It’s important to go straight to the hospital from the accident, either with paramedics or by arranging transportation as soon as law enforcement clears you to leave. At the hospital ask for a complete medical evaluation as well as treatment for obvious emergency injuries. This helps catch any injuries with delayed symptom development. Tell the doctor about every symptom, even if it seems minor. Ask for a detailed medical report listing injuries, recommended treatment, and your prognosis for recovery. As you undergo medical treatment, follow your doctor’s orders carefully and keep copies of all medical bills and out-of-pocket expenses. These, together with employment records showing your absences from work will help you to recover the maximum compensation available to you.

What Can a Car Accident Lawyer in Washington Do For My Case?

The police report and your medical records may not be enough to prevent an insurance company from disputing all or part of your claim or assigning you an undue portion of the fault in the accident to reduce the amount they have to pay you under Washington’s comparison negligence insurance laws. An experienced attorney will not only handle all communication with the insurance adjuster assigned to your case, but also investigate the accident, depose eyewitnesses, and consult with traffic experts, mechanics, and medical experts as needed to gather evidence of fault, liability, and your damages to present a compelling case for your compensation.

Call the Washington car accident attorneys at Wells Trumbull to provide the legal counsel and assertive representation you need in your car accident claim.