Everett Amazon Delivery Vehicle Accidents

Amazon delivery vans and trucks commonly navigate Everett neighborhoods making frequent stops, starts, turnarounds, and reverses, all while drivers traverse unfamiliar communities. The online shopping boom has caused a steady increase in accidents involving large Amazon delivery vehicles throughout Washington.

Succeeding in an Amazon truck accident claim in Everett quickly becomes challenging. A claim against an at-fault delivery driver requires compelling evidence of liability and filing against the appropriate entity. Amazon itself maintains distance from liability by using third-party delivery services and independent contractors, further complicating the claim process. Make sure to speak with an experienced truck accident lawyer in Everett if you are injured in an accident.

What Are the Common Causes of Amazon Truck Accidents in Everett?

Everett residents have come to rely on goods shipped right to their doors from the world’s largest online retailer, Amazon. The steady upward boom in online shopping has led to increased roadway congestion in Everett and nationwide. Amazon trucks, vans, and delivery vehicles crowd major highways and navigate small neighborhoods. Common causes of Amazon delivery van accidents include:

  • Distracted drivers
  • Speeding due to unrealistic deadlines
  • Unbalanced loads
  • Failure to adhere to traffic laws
  • Reversing accidents
  • Intoxicated driving
  • Tailgating
  • Inadequate maintenance on delivery vehicles

An experienced Amazon delivery truck accident attorney in Everett investigates the accident, determines the cause, and proves liability against the correct at-fault party before carefully calculating damages and filing a claim for the maximum compensation available.

What Are the Challenges In Proving Liability for an Amazon Truck Accident?

The Amazon online retailer itself is rarely the party liable for damages in an accident involving their delivery vehicles. The company protects against direct liability by using third-party delivery services and independent contractors through the Amazon Flex program. After an accident, it takes a thorough investigation to gather evidence against the correct liable party. Either a third-party delivery truck company could bear liability in the accident, or the individual driver may be liable for damages through the Amazon Flex program. Amazon mandates that these drivers carry $1 million in liability insurance coverage per accident.

Speak With An Everett Amazon Delivery Vehicle Accident Attorney From Wells Trumbull Today.

What Compensation Is Available In an Amazon Truck Accident Claim In Washington?

Large, fully loaded-Amazon trucks and delivery vans far outweigh standard family vehicles. Occupants of smaller cars face grave injuries in an accident. A successful Amazon truck accident claim may recover property damage costs to a vehicle, reimbursement for medical expenses, future medical costs, past and future income loss, and compensation for pain and suffering. Additional non-economic damages may apply in individual cases, including loss of one of the senses, traumatic limb loss, loss of mobility, or scarring.

Your car accident attorney from Wells Trumbull will meticulously investigate your case, examine your medical records, and speak to medical experts about the long-term physical and economic impacts of your accident to carefully calculate your damages.

How Can an Amazon Delivery Vehicle Accident Lawyer In Everett Help?

Accident claims involving powerful companies like Amazon and their delivery carriers present challenging cases to pursue because multiple insurers are at play and commonly dispute claims and point the finger at other policies. An experienced Amazon accident attorney provides skilled legal representation that achieves maximum compensation for your economic and non-economic damages after an accident. Contact Wells Trumbull today for experienced representation in your Amazon vehicle accident case.